Tag: Higher Ed

Gainful Employment Redux – Not Just for For-Profits Anymore

Kate Lee Carey and Shannon Noonan

The Department of Education released the final and official Gainful Employment rule on October 10, 2023. The final rule is substantially similar to the proposed rule released in May 2023, with a few exceptions outlined within this post.

ED to Shut Down and Overhaul E-App System

Nancy Anderson and Rebecca Flake
The US Department of Education has announced that it will implement updates to its current E-App system.

Lurking Behind the Headline: Significant Regulatory Changes Beyond Gainful Employment in ED’s Latest NPRM

Nancy Anderson , Kate Lee Carey and Caitlyn Shelby

The Department of Education published a substantial NPRM on May 19, which includes a new iteration of the Gainful Employment rules.

California Legislature Updates Private Postsecondary Education Act … Again

Kate Lee Carey and Nancy Anderson

The BPPE posted a memo explaining the amendments to the California Private Postsecondary Education Act that took effect in January 2023.

Third-Party Servicer Guidance on Hold

Kate Lee Carey, Nancy Anderson and Vince Sampson
The Department of Education announced that it will modify and further delay the implementation of its controversial guidance on third-party servicer issues.

ED Updates Timeline for Third Party Servicer Guidance

Nancy Anderson and Kate Lee Carey

The Department of Education has extended the timeline for implementation of its February 15 Dear Colleague Letter.

ED Revisits Third-Party Servicer and Incentive Compensation Guidance

Nancy Anderson and Kate Lee Carey

The Department of Education announced two initiatives that expand oversight of third-party providers to institutions of higher education that participate in federal financial aid programs.

Borrower Defense to Repayment 4.0

Kate Lee Carey and Jasmine Lee

The US Department of Education published final regulations regarding the borrower defense to repayment rule in October 2022.

ED Proposes Significant Amendments to Change in Control and 90/10 Regulations

Nancy Anderson, Kate Lee Carey, Jasmine Lee and Shannon Noonan

The Department of Education is accepting comments until August 26 on the NPRM to amends its 90/10 and change of ownership and control regulations.

Cooley Team at ASU GSV Summit 2018

Erik Edwards, Jay Vaughan, Mike Goldstein, Ray LaSoya, Brian Burke, Kate Lee Carey and Matt Johnson

The 2018 ASU GSV Summit starts Monday, April 16 in San Diego, CA. The ASU GSV Summit is THE conference for edtech companies and investors. The Cooley team is ready to go and we hope to see you there!

Administration Releases “Skinny” Budget; Education Feels the Pinch

Vince Sampson

Yesterday, the Administration released its Budget Blueprint for 2018. Overall, the Blueprint upholds many of the campaign promises the President made, increasing military spending by significantly cutting funds from almost all domestic agencies, including education.

FTC Focuses on Lead Generation Practices in Higher Education and Edtech

Jacqueline Grise, Scott Dailard, Tanisha James and Paul Thompson

On Friday, October 30, 2015, the Federal Trade Commission conducted a workshop in Washington, DC on lead generation practices, with a specific consumer protection focus on activities in the higher education sector including ed tech companies.