Tag: Department of Education

Shifting Guidance and Widespread University Investigations – The Trump Administration’s Aggressive First Moves Enforcing Title VI in Education

Vanessa Agudelo, Kate Lee Carey and Dan Shackelford

The Department of Education announced two separate groups of enforcement investigations to assess university compliance with civil rights obligations. For the public and private colleges and universities understanding the intent of these investigations and potential consequences will be key.

The Trump Administration’s Condemnation of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education and How Schools Can Prepare

Vanessa Agudelo, Kate Lee Carey and Dan Shackelford

On February 14, the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights issued a Dear Colleague Letter outlining the obligations of educational institutions pursuant to Title VI. In this post, we focus on what practices constitute “illegal discrimination,” outline the process for losing Title IV funds and address key steps that schools can take to prepare for the upcoming changes.

Department of Education End-of-Year Regulatory Action Announcements: Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment + Program Integrity

Jasmine Lee, Kate Lee Carey and Shannon Noonan

At the end of 2024, the Department of Education announced a series of end-of-term regulatory actions – including updated guidance on the Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment regulations and the release of final rules generated by the Program Integrity negotiated rulemaking.

Lurking Behind the Headline: Significant Regulatory Changes Beyond Gainful Employment in ED’s Latest NPRM

Nancy Anderson , Kate Lee Carey and Caitlyn Shelby

The Department of Education published a substantial NPRM on May 19, which includes a new iteration of the Gainful Employment rules.

ED Announces New System for Institutions to Report Foreign Ownership, Contracts and Gifts

Shannon Noonan, Paul Thompson and Nancy Anderson

On June 22, the United States Department of Education announced its new information collection system for postsecondary institutions that participate in the Title IV programs to comply with the foreign owner, contract and gift reporting obligations under the HEA.

ED Issues Interim Final Rule on Student Eligibility for HEERF Funding While Courts Grant Preliminary Injunctions

Nancy Anderson and Mike Goldstein

On June 17, the US Department of Education issued an interim final rule limiting student eligibility for CARES Act emergency grants.

Reminder: ED State Authorization Rule Takes Effect July 1

Nancy Anderson, Caitlyn Shelby and Paul Thompson

The US Department of Education’s final regulations require that schools hold authorization in every jurisdiction where such authorization is required and that schools make a number of consumer disclosures.

ED Simultaneously Backs Away from and Embraces Its Own HEERF Guidance

Nancy Anderson and Mike Goldstein

The Department of Education announced it will not enforce its April guidance on the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.