ED Issues Interim Final Rule on Student Eligibility for HEERF Funding While Courts Grant Preliminary Injunctions
Nancy Anderson and Mike Goldstein
On June 17, the US Department of Education issued an interim final rule limiting student eligibility for CARES Act emergency grants.
Reminder: ED State Authorization Rule Takes Effect July 1
Nancy Anderson, Caitlyn Shelby and Paul Thompson
The US Department of Education’s final regulations require that schools hold authorization in every jurisdiction where such authorization is required and that schools make a number of consumer disclosures.
ED Simultaneously Backs Away from and Embraces Its Own HEERF Guidance
Nancy Anderson and Mike Goldstein
The Department of Education announced it will not enforce its April guidance on the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.
What Colleges + Universities Should Do to Comply With Title IX Changes
Caitlyn Shelby and Paul Thompson
On May 6, the US Department of Education released its long anticipated, final Title IX regulations on sexual harassment.
ED Requires Public Disclosure of CARES Student Grant Use, Inviting Scrutiny for Schools
Nancy Anderson, Mike Goldstein and Paul Thompson
The Department of Education issued guidance directing postsecondary institutions to publicly disclose on their websites detailed information and data on how they allocate emergency student grant funding under the CARES Act’s HEERF.
ED Releases Institutional Funding from CARES Act + Clarifies Student Grant Requirements
Nancy Anderson, Mike Goldstein and Paul Thompson
On April 21, the US Education Department announced the release of the remaining $6 billion of stimulus funding under the CARES Act’s Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund to help institutions with COVID-19-related costs.
ED Releases Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Grant Funding
Nancy Anderson, Mike Goldstein and Paul Thompson
The Department of Education made available another $3 billion in grant funding under the CARES Act, which will go to states to provide emergency support for education.
Student and Borrower Relief Under the CARES Act
Rebecca Flake and Caitlyn Shelby
The CARES Act relaxes federal student aid requirements for certain students and borrowers.
ED Releases CARES Act Stimulus Funding for Emergency Student Grants, Subject to Institutional Certification
Nancy Anderson and Paul Thompson
ED announced it will release a portion of the CARES Act higher education funding to allow institutions to make emergency student grants.
Managing COVID-19 Disruption: ED Updates and Consolidates Guidance
Rebecca Flake, Kate Lee Carey and Paul Thompson
On April 3, the Department of Education released an electronic announcement with continuing guidance for institutions responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Managing COVID-19 Disruption: Accrediting Agencies Adopt Temporary Measures to Address Challenges
Robin Dasher-Alston, Naomi Harralson May and Caitlyn Shelby
Following ED’s release of guidance to accrediting agencies on March 17, including the flexibility to bypass public comment periods and adoption by full agency membership, accreditors have been developing and adopting new (and notably temporary) policies to address COVID-19 challenges.
Institutional Relief Under the CARES Act
Rebecca Flake, Shannon Noonan and Caitlyn Shelby
The CARES Act authorizes ED to allow institutions to ease certain federal student aid requirements, provide relief for certain students and borrowers with federally held student loans and relax certain requirements.