Category: K – 12

Managing COVID-19 Disruption: Key Student Privacy Requirements Remain Unchanged

Matt Johnson

As students of all ages urgently transition from a classroom to a virtual environment, concern over the protection of student privacy remains at a high level.

Managing COVID-19 Disruption: FERPA

Matt Johnson

The Department of Education released guidance for schools subject to FERPA requirements related to implementing plans in response to COVID-19.

Cooley Team at NCSC 2018

Kate Lee Carey and Randy Sabett

The 2018 National Charter Schools Conference is June 17-20 in Austin, TX. The conference brings together more than 4,700 members of the charter school community for learning and networking opportunities.

Student Data Privacy: The States Are in the Lead

Mike Goldstein, Randy Sabett and Matt Johnson

Student privacy has become a focal point in the education sector. While media attention has largely focused on activities in Washington, we believe it is also critical for schools and Edtech companies to pay closer attention to privacy and security actions at the state level.